:tocdepth: 3 ######### Authorize ######### .. note:: This page is generated by the following python script ``generate_cet.py``. :ref:`Back to table ` Commands -------- .. _Authorize:Commands:requestAuthorization: requestAuthorization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Request changes to authorization. :EFDB_Topic: Authorize_command_requestAuthorization .. _Authorize:Commands:requestAuthorization:cscsToChange: cscsToChange ************ :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma-separated list of csc_name[:index] of CSCs whose authorization is to be changed. .. _Authorize:Commands:requestAuthorization:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form user@host. If the first character is +/- then the specified users are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. The CSC's own user@host is silently ignored, because it is always authorized. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. .. _Authorize:Commands:requestAuthorization:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form name[:index]. An index of 0 is stripped (name:0 becomes name). If the first character is +/- then the specified CSCs are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. setAuthList ~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setAuthList .. _Authorize:setAuthList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form user@host. If the first character is +/- then the specified users are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. The CSC's own user@host is silently ignored, because it is always authorized. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. .. _Authorize:setAuthList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form name[:index]. An index of 0 is stripped (name:0 becomes name). If the first character is +/- then the specified CSCs are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. setLogLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Set the logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setLogLevel .. _Authorize:setLogLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Logging level, as a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. Events ------ authList ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_authList .. _Authorize:authList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC. .. _Authorize:authList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC. heartbeat ~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_heartbeat .. _Authorize:heartbeat:heartbeat: heartbeat ********* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Beats the drum. logLevel ~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logLevel .. _Authorize:logLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current logging level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. logMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: A log message. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logMessage .. _Authorize:logMessage:name: name **** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log name. .. _Authorize:logMessage:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Message level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. .. _Authorize:logMessage:message: message ******* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log message. .. _Authorize:logMessage:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Exception traceback; "" if not an exception. .. _Authorize:logMessage:filePath: filePath ******** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Path to source file. .. _Authorize:logMessage:functionName: functionName ************ :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Function or method name. .. _Authorize:logMessage:lineNumber: lineNumber ********** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Line number in the file specified by filePath. .. _Authorize:logMessage:process: process ******* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Process ID.