:tocdepth: 3 ################# FiberSpectrograph ################# .. note:: This page is generated by the following python script ``generate_cet.py``. :ref:`Back to table ` Commands -------- .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:cancelExposure: cancelExposure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Cancel an active exposure from the spectrograph. If there is no active exposure, this command does nothing. :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_command_cancelExposure .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:expose: expose ~~~~~~ **Description**: Capture an image from the spectrograph. :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_command_expose .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:expose:duration: duration ******** :IDL_Type: float :Units: second **Description**: The duration of the exposure to take. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:expose:numExposures: numExposures ************ :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Number of consecutive exposures to take. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:expose:type: type **** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Type of image; used for the FITS IMG_TYPE header value. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Commands:expose:source: source ****** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Light source being measured. abort ~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_abort .. _FiberSpectrograph:abort:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used disable ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Enabled to Disabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_disable .. _FiberSpectrograph:disable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enable ~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Disabled to Enabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enable .. _FiberSpectrograph:enable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enterControl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline to Standby. Only "externally commandable" CSCs support this command; other CSCs start in Standby state and quit when they go to Offline. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enterControl .. _FiberSpectrograph:enterControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used exitControl ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Offline. For CSCs that are not "externally commandable" this makes the CSC quit. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_exitControl .. _FiberSpectrograph:exitControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used setAuthList ~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setAuthList .. _FiberSpectrograph:setAuthList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form user@host. If the first character is +/- then the specified users are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. The CSC's own user@host is silently ignored, because it is always authorized. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. .. _FiberSpectrograph:setAuthList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form name[:index]. An index of 0 is stripped (name:0 becomes name). If the first character is +/- then the specified CSCs are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. setLogLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Set the logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setLogLevel .. _FiberSpectrograph:setLogLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Logging level, as a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. setValue ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setValue .. _FiberSpectrograph:setValue:parametersAndValues: parametersAndValues ******************* :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: List of parameters and their values as a Json string standby ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline, Disabled or Fault to Standby. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_standby .. _FiberSpectrograph:standby:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used start ~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Disable, in a specified configuration. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_start .. _FiberSpectrograph:start:settingsToApply: settingsToApply *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Name of the selected settings set Enumerations ------------ :ExposureState: * Integrating * Done * Cancelled * Timedout * Failed Events ------ .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:deviceInfo: deviceInfo ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Information about the spectrograph. :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_logevent_deviceInfo .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:deviceInfo:npixels: npixels ******* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: The number of pixels in the spectrograph. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:deviceInfo:fpgaVersion: fpgaVersion *********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: The FPGA software version. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:deviceInfo:firmwareVersion: firmwareVersion *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: The microcontroller software version. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:deviceInfo:libraryVersion: libraryVersion ************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: The AvaSpec Library software version. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:exposureState: exposureState ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current state of the active exposure. :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_logevent_exposureState .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:exposureState:status: status ****** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: The state of the current exposure. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable: largeFileObjectAvailable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Spectrum fits file is publish as LFOA event :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_logevent_largeFileObjectAvailable .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:url: url *** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: A Uniform Resource Locator which links to a Large File Object either for ingest into the EFD Large File Annex, or to announce the successful copy of same to the EFD Large File Annex.Protocols are those supported by the cURL library. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:generator: generator ********* :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Name of the package which generated the file being announced .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:version: version ******* :IDL_Type: float :Units: unitless **Description**: A dotted x.y version number denoting the file format revision .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:byteSize: byteSize ******** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Size of file in bytes .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:checkSum: checkSum ******** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Hexadecimal character string holding the checksum of the file .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:mimeType: mimeType ******** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Mime Type code for the file .. _FiberSpectrograph:Events:largeFileObjectAvailable:id: id ** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: A generic identifier field appliedSettingsMatchStart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_appliedSettingsMatchStart .. _FiberSpectrograph:appliedSettingsMatchStart:appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue: appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue ******************************* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True when the configuration matches the start conditions authList ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_authList .. _FiberSpectrograph:authList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC. .. _FiberSpectrograph:authList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC. errorCode ~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Output when a CSC goes into the Fault state as an explanation of the problem. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_errorCode .. _FiberSpectrograph:errorCode:errorCode: errorCode ********* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: A numeric error code .. _FiberSpectrograph:errorCode:errorReport: errorReport *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An string providing detailed information about the error .. _FiberSpectrograph:errorCode:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An optional stack trace of the error condition heartbeat ~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_heartbeat .. _FiberSpectrograph:heartbeat:heartbeat: heartbeat ********* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Beats the drum. logLevel ~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logLevel .. _FiberSpectrograph:logLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current logging level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. logMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: A log message. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logMessage .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:name: name **** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log name. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Message level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:message: message ******* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log message. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Exception traceback; "" if not an exception. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:filePath: filePath ******** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Path to source file. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:functionName: functionName ************ :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Function or method name. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:lineNumber: lineNumber ********** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Line number in the file specified by filePath. .. _FiberSpectrograph:logMessage:process: process ******* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Process ID. settingVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Information about settings which can be specified in the start command. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingVersions .. _FiberSpectrograph:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsVersion: recommendedSettingsVersion ************************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated recomended versions of settings sets .. _FiberSpectrograph:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsLabels: recommendedSettingsLabels ************************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated names of settings sets .. _FiberSpectrograph:settingVersions:settingsUrl: settingsUrl *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: The URL where the settings sets definitions can be found settingsApplied ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Base settings applied. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingsApplied .. _FiberSpectrograph:settingsApplied:settingsVersion: settingsVersion *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: The SHA or name corresponding to the published configuration .. _FiberSpectrograph:settingsApplied:otherSettingsEvents: otherSettingsEvents ******************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of other specific CSC configuration events. This may be blank if no other CSC specific events are necessary simulationMode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current simulation mode. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_simulationMode .. _FiberSpectrograph:simulationMode:mode: mode **** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current simulation mode; 0 for normal operation (no simulation); other supported values are specific to each CSC. softwareVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current versions of software in use by CSC. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_softwareVersions .. _FiberSpectrograph:softwareVersions:salVersion: salVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of SAL generation .. _FiberSpectrograph:softwareVersions:xmlVersion: xmlVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of CSC XML .. _FiberSpectrograph:softwareVersions:openSpliceVersion: openSpliceVersion ***************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of OpenSplice .. _FiberSpectrograph:softwareVersions:cscVersion: cscVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the top-level version of the CSC .. _FiberSpectrograph:softwareVersions:subsystemVersions: subsystemVersions ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of key=value pairs relating subsystem name (key) to its version number (value). This may be left blank if there are no subsystems within a CSC summaryState ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current summary state of the CSC :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_summaryState .. _FiberSpectrograph:summaryState:summaryState: summaryState ************ :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: High level state machine state identifier Telemetry --------- .. _FiberSpectrograph:Telemetry:temperature: temperature ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Temperature of the FiberSpectrograph :EFDB_Topic: FiberSpectrograph_temperature .. _FiberSpectrograph:Telemetry:temperature:temperature: temperature *********** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C **Description**: Measured internal spectrograph temperature. .. _FiberSpectrograph:Telemetry:temperature:setpoint: setpoint ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C **Description**: Spectrograph temperature setpoint.