:tocdepth: 3 #### MTM2 #### .. note:: This page is generated by the following python script ``generate_cet.py``. :ref:`Back to table ` Commands -------- .. _MTM2:Commands:applyForces: applyForces ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Provide the delta accumulated force vector used in adjusting the target force settings in the closed-loop control. This vector will add to the look-up table (LUT) force directly. A potential use of this command is the active optics system (AOS) to apply the bending mode. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_applyForces .. _MTM2:Commands:applyForces:axial: axial ***** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Accumulated axial force vector adds to the LUT force. The elements are the actuator Ids from 1 to 72. The related ring Ids are B1-B30, C1-C24, and D1-D18. .. _MTM2:Commands:applyForces:tangent: tangent ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Accumulated tangent force vector adds to the LUT force. The elements are the actuator Ids from 73 to 78. The related ring Ids are A1-A6. .. _MTM2:Commands:clearErrors: clearErrors ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Clear all errors and transit to the Standby state from Fault state. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_clearErrors .. _MTM2:Commands:clearErrors:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: This value is ignored. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror: positionMirror ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Adjust the mirror's rigid body positions based on LTS-136 relative from the home position. The home position can be reconfigured. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_positionMirror .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:x: x * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position x. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:y: y * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position y. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:z: z * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position z. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:xRot: xRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about x. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:yRot: yRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about y. .. _MTM2:Commands:positionMirror:zRot: zRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about z. .. _MTM2:Commands:resetForceOffsets: resetForceOffsets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: This shall cause the M2 assembly zero all force offsets in the closed-loop control. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_resetForceOffsets .. _MTM2:Commands:resetForceOffsets:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: This value is ignored. .. _MTM2:Commands:selectInclinationSource: selectInclinationSource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Select the inclination source onboard or from main telescope mount (MTMount) control system. The default is onboard. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_selectInclinationSource .. _MTM2:Commands:selectInclinationSource:source: source ****** :IDL_Type: short :Units: unitless :Enumeration: OnBoard,MTMount **Description**: Enumeration: 1: OnBoard. 2: MTMount. .. _MTM2:Commands:setTemperatureOffset: setTemperatureOffset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Set the offset of temperature sensors. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_setTemperatureOffset .. _MTM2:Commands:setTemperatureOffset:ring: ring **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 12 **Description**: Offset of ring temperatures: LG2-1, LG2-2, LG2-3, LG2-4, LG3-1, LG3-2, LG3-3, LG3-4, LG4-1, LG4-2, LG4-3, and LG4-4. .. _MTM2:Commands:setTemperatureOffset:intake: intake ****** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Offset of intake temperatures: #1 and #2. .. _MTM2:Commands:setTemperatureOffset:exhaust: exhaust ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Offset of exhaust temperatures: #1 and #2. .. _MTM2:Commands:switchForceBalanceSystem: switchForceBalanceSystem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Switch the force balance (FB) system. The default is that FB is on. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_command_switchForceBalanceSystem .. _MTM2:Commands:switchForceBalanceSystem:status: status ****** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True: turn on FB. False: turn off FB. abort ~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_abort .. _MTM2:abort:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used disable ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Enabled to Disabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_disable .. _MTM2:disable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enable ~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Disabled to Enabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enable .. _MTM2:enable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enterControl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline to Standby. Only "externally commandable" CSCs support this command; other CSCs start in Standby state and quit when they go to Offline. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enterControl .. _MTM2:enterControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used exitControl ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Offline. For CSCs that are not "externally commandable" this makes the CSC quit. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_exitControl .. _MTM2:exitControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used setAuthList ~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setAuthList .. _MTM2:setAuthList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form user@host. If the first character is +/- then the specified users are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. The CSC's own user@host is silently ignored, because it is always authorized. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. .. _MTM2:setAuthList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form name[:index]. An index of 0 is stripped (name:0 becomes name). If the first character is +/- then the specified CSCs are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. setLogLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Set the logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setLogLevel .. _MTM2:setLogLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Logging level, as a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. setValue ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setValue .. _MTM2:setValue:parametersAndValues: parametersAndValues ******************* :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: List of parameters and their values as a Json string standby ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline, Disabled or Fault to Standby. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_standby .. _MTM2:standby:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used start ~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Disable, in a specified configuration. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_start .. _MTM2:start:settingsToApply: settingsToApply *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Name of the selected settings set Enumerations ------------ :InclinationTelemetrySource: * OnBoard * MTMount Events ------ .. _MTM2:Events:cellTemperatureHiWarning: cellTemperatureHiWarning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Indicates if the measured cell temperature is more than the specified value above the conditioned supply air temperature. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_cellTemperatureHiWarning .. _MTM2:Events:cellTemperatureHiWarning:hiWarning: hiWarning ********* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True if the cell temperature is high. .. _MTM2:Events:commandableByDDS: commandableByDDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Can the commandable SAL component (CSC) control the MTM2? :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_commandableByDDS .. _MTM2:Events:commandableByDDS:state: state ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: If true the CSC can control the MTM2; else the Engineering User Interface has control. .. _MTM2:Events:detailedState: detailedState ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: New detailed state on each summary state transition. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_detailedState .. _MTM2:Events:detailedState:detailedState: detailedState ************* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: M2 detailed state. .. _MTM2:Events:forceBalanceSystemStatus: forceBalanceSystemStatus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: The status of force balance (FB) system (on or off). :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_forceBalanceSystemStatus .. _MTM2:Events:forceBalanceSystemStatus:status: status ****** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True if FB is on, False if off. .. _MTM2:Events:hardpointList: hardpointList ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Hardpoint list in the low-level controller. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_hardpointList .. _MTM2:Events:hardpointList:actuators: actuators ********* :IDL_Type: unsigned short :Units: unitless :Count: 6 **Description**: Actuator Ids to be the hardpoint. .. _MTM2:Events:inclinationTelemetrySource: inclinationTelemetrySource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: The source of inclination telemetry (onboard or from main telescope mount (MTMount) control system). :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_inclinationTelemetrySource .. _MTM2:Events:inclinationTelemetrySource:source: source ****** :IDL_Type: short :Units: unitless :Enumeration: OnBoard,MTMount **Description**: 1: onboard. 2: MTMount. .. _MTM2:Events:interlock: interlock ~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: MTM2 interlock: This event is generated when safety interlock is engaged or disengaged :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_interlock .. _MTM2:Events:interlock:state: state ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True if the interlock is engaged. False if it is cleared. .. _MTM2:Events:m2AssemblyInPosition: m2AssemblyInPosition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Indicates when all of the M2 axes are within tolerance of the target positions. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_m2AssemblyInPosition .. _MTM2:Events:m2AssemblyInPosition:inPosition: inPosition ********** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True if the M2 assembly is in position. .. _MTM2:Events:tcpIpConnected: tcpIpConnected ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: State of TCP/IP connection between the server and the low level controller. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_tcpIpConnected .. _MTM2:Events:tcpIpConnected:isConnected: isConnected *********** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Is the socket connected (true=yes, false=no)? .. _MTM2:Events:temperatureOffset: temperatureOffset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Offset of temperature sensors. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_logevent_temperatureOffset .. _MTM2:Events:temperatureOffset:ring: ring **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 12 **Description**: Offset of ring temperatures: LG2-1, LG2-2, LG2-3, LG2-4, LG3-1, LG3-2, LG3-3, LG3-4, LG4-1, LG4-2, LG4-3, and LG4-4. .. _MTM2:Events:temperatureOffset:intake: intake ****** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Offset of intake temperatures: #1 and #2. .. _MTM2:Events:temperatureOffset:exhaust: exhaust ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Offset of exhaust temperatures: #1 and #2. appliedSettingsMatchStart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_appliedSettingsMatchStart .. _MTM2:appliedSettingsMatchStart:appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue: appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue ******************************* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True when the configuration matches the start conditions authList ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_authList .. _MTM2:authList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC. .. _MTM2:authList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC. errorCode ~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Output when a CSC goes into the Fault state as an explanation of the problem. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_errorCode .. _MTM2:errorCode:errorCode: errorCode ********* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: A numeric error code .. _MTM2:errorCode:errorReport: errorReport *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An string providing detailed information about the error .. _MTM2:errorCode:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An optional stack trace of the error condition heartbeat ~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_heartbeat .. _MTM2:heartbeat:heartbeat: heartbeat ********* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Beats the drum. logLevel ~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logLevel .. _MTM2:logLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current logging level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. logMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: A log message. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logMessage .. _MTM2:logMessage:name: name **** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log name. .. _MTM2:logMessage:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Message level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. .. _MTM2:logMessage:message: message ******* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log message. .. _MTM2:logMessage:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Exception traceback; "" if not an exception. .. _MTM2:logMessage:filePath: filePath ******** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Path to source file. .. _MTM2:logMessage:functionName: functionName ************ :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Function or method name. .. _MTM2:logMessage:lineNumber: lineNumber ********** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Line number in the file specified by filePath. .. _MTM2:logMessage:process: process ******* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Process ID. settingVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Information about settings which can be specified in the start command. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingVersions .. _MTM2:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsVersion: recommendedSettingsVersion ************************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated recomended versions of settings sets .. _MTM2:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsLabels: recommendedSettingsLabels ************************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated names of settings sets .. _MTM2:settingVersions:settingsUrl: settingsUrl *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: The URL where the settings sets definitions can be found settingsApplied ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Base settings applied. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingsApplied .. _MTM2:settingsApplied:settingsVersion: settingsVersion *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: The SHA or name corresponding to the published configuration .. _MTM2:settingsApplied:otherSettingsEvents: otherSettingsEvents ******************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of other specific CSC configuration events. This may be blank if no other CSC specific events are necessary simulationMode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current simulation mode. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_simulationMode .. _MTM2:simulationMode:mode: mode **** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current simulation mode; 0 for normal operation (no simulation); other supported values are specific to each CSC. softwareVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current versions of software in use by CSC. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_softwareVersions .. _MTM2:softwareVersions:salVersion: salVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of SAL generation .. _MTM2:softwareVersions:xmlVersion: xmlVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of CSC XML .. _MTM2:softwareVersions:openSpliceVersion: openSpliceVersion ***************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of OpenSplice .. _MTM2:softwareVersions:cscVersion: cscVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the top-level version of the CSC .. _MTM2:softwareVersions:subsystemVersions: subsystemVersions ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of key=value pairs relating subsystem name (key) to its version number (value). This may be left blank if there are no subsystems within a CSC summaryState ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current summary state of the CSC :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_summaryState .. _MTM2:summaryState:summaryState: summaryState ************ :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: High level state machine state identifier Telemetry --------- .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialActuatorSteps: axialActuatorSteps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Axial actuator stepper motor position in steps. Increasing step corresponds to counterclockwise rotation of the motor shaft, looking along the shaft in the direction of the motor. The elements are the actuator Ids from 1 to 72. The related ring Ids are B1-B30, C1-C24, and D1-D18. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_axialActuatorSteps .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialActuatorSteps:steps: steps ***** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless :Count: 72 **Description**: Array of steps for each axial actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialEncoderPositions: axialEncoderPositions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Axial actuator encoder position. The sign of the position is consistent with the optical coordinate system as per LTS-136. The elements are the actuator Ids from 1 to 72. The related ring Ids are B1-B30, C1-C24, and D1-D18. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_axialEncoderPositions .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialEncoderPositions:position: position ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron :Count: 72 **Description**: Encoder position of each axial encoder in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce: axialForce ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Axial actuator forces data. Increasing force corresponds to increasing tension in the load cell. The elements are the actuator Ids from 1 to 72. The related ring Ids are B1-B30, C1-C24, and D1-D18. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_axialForce .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce:lutGravity: lutGravity ********** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Gravity component (F_e + F_0 + F_a + F_f) of look-up table (LUT) force for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce:lutTemperature: lutTemperature ************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Temperature component (T_u + T_x + T_y + T_r) of look-up table (LUT) force for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce:applied: applied ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Force applied by SAL command or script for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce:measured: measured ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Force measurement by load cell for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:axialForce:hardpointCorrection: hardpointCorrection ******************* :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 72 **Description**: Hardpoint compensation force correction for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:displacementSensors: displacementSensors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Raw measurements from displacement sensors. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_displacementSensors .. _MTM2:Telemetry:displacementSensors:thetaZ: thetaZ ****** :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron :Count: 6 **Description**: Readings of theta-z from displacement sensors. The elements are A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:displacementSensors:deltaZ: deltaZ ****** :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron :Count: 6 **Description**: Readings of delta-z from displacement sensors. The elements are A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance: forceBalance ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Net forces and moments as commanded by the force balance system. These are calculated using the 72 axial and 6 tangent balance forces, which are a component of the total forces being commanded. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_forceBalance .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:fx: fx ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Total x-force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:fy: fy ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Total y-force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:fz: fz ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Total z-force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:mx: mx ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Total x-moment of force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:my: my ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Total y-moment of force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:forceBalance:mz: mz ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Total z-moment of force commanded by the force balance system. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:ilcData: ilcData ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Inner-loop controller (ILC) data. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_ilcData .. _MTM2:Telemetry:ilcData:status: status ****** :IDL_Type: unsigned short :Units: unitless :Count: 78 **Description**: ILC status. The elements are the actuator Ids from 1 to 78. The value needs to be transformed from decimal to hexadecimal to understand. The details are in code 67, LTS-346. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netForcesTotal: netForcesTotal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Totol actuator net forces. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_netForcesTotal .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netForcesTotal:fx: fx ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Net force in x direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netForcesTotal:fy: fy ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Net force in y direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netForcesTotal:fz: fz ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton **Description**: Net force in z direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netMomentsTotal: netMomentsTotal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Totol actuator net moments of force. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_netMomentsTotal .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netMomentsTotal:mx: mx ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Net moment of force in x direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netMomentsTotal:my: my ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Net moment of force in y direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:netMomentsTotal:mz: mz ** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton*meter **Description**: Net moment of force in z direction. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position: position ~~~~~~~~ **Description**: M2 mirror's rigid body position. Measured from hardpoints. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_position .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:x: x * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position x. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:y: y * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position y. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:z: z * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position z. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:xRot: xRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about x. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:yRot: yRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about y. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:position:zRot: zRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about z. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS: positionIMS ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: M2 mirror's rigid body position measured by the independent measurement system (IMS). :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_positionIMS .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:x: x * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position x. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:y: y * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position y. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:z: z * :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron **Description**: Position z. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:xRot: xRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about x. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:yRot: yRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about y. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:positionIMS:zRot: zRot **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: arcsec **Description**: Rotation about z. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:powerStatus: powerStatus ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Total voltage and current for motors and communication system of M2. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_powerStatus .. _MTM2:Telemetry:powerStatus:motorVoltage: motorVoltage ************ :IDL_Type: double :Units: volt **Description**: Total motor voltage. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:powerStatus:motorCurrent: motorCurrent ************ :IDL_Type: double :Units: ampere **Description**: Total motor current. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:powerStatus:commVoltage: commVoltage *********** :IDL_Type: double :Units: volt **Description**: Total communication voltage. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:powerStatus:commCurrent: commCurrent *********** :IDL_Type: double :Units: ampere **Description**: Total communication current. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentActuatorSteps: tangentActuatorSteps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Tangent actuator stepper motor position in steps. Increasing sign indicates extension towards the mirror. The elements are the actuator Ids from 73 to 78. The related ring Ids are A1-A6. The related degrees are 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_tangentActuatorSteps .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentActuatorSteps:steps: steps ***** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless :Count: 6 **Description**: Array of steps for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentEncoderPositions: tangentEncoderPositions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Tangent actuator encoder position. The sign of the position is consistent with the optical coordinate system as per LTS-136. The elements are the actuator Ids from 73 to 78. The related ring Ids are A1-A6. The related degrees are 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_tangentEncoderPositions .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentEncoderPositions:position: position ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: micron :Count: 6 **Description**: Encoder position of each tangent encoder in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce: tangentForce ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Tangent actuator forces data. Increasing force corresponds to increasing tension in the load cell. The elements are the actuator Ids from 73 to 78. The related ring Ids are A1-A6. The related degrees are 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_tangentForce .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce:lutGravity: lutGravity ********** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Gravity component (F_e + F_0 + F_a + F_f) of look-up table (LUT) force for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce:lutTemperature: lutTemperature ************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Temperature component (T_u + T_x + T_y + T_r) of look-up table (LUT) force for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce:applied: applied ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Force applied by SAL command or script for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce:measured: measured ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Force measurement by load cell for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:tangentForce:hardpointCorrection: hardpointCorrection ******************* :IDL_Type: double :Units: newton :Count: 6 **Description**: Hardpoint compensation force correction for each actuator in sequence. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:temperature: temperature ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Mirror and cell temperature sensor readings relative to the origin (offset). :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_temperature .. _MTM2:Telemetry:temperature:ring: ring **** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 12 **Description**: Ring temperatures: LG2-1, LG2-2, LG2-3, LG2-4, LG3-1, LG3-2, LG3-3, LG3-4, LG4-1, LG4-2, LG4-3, and LG4-4. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:temperature:intake: intake ****** :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Intake temperatures: #1 and #2. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:temperature:exhaust: exhaust ******* :IDL_Type: double :Units: deg_C :Count: 2 **Description**: Exhaust temperatures: #1 and #2. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:zenithAngle: zenithAngle ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: M2 internal inclinometer reading transforms to the zenith angle. :EFDB_Topic: MTM2_zenithAngle .. _MTM2:Telemetry:zenithAngle:measured: measured ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: degree **Description**: Zenith angle is 0 degree when the telescope is at zenith. .. _MTM2:Telemetry:zenithAngle:inclinometerRaw: inclinometerRaw *************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: degree **Description**: Reading raw angle of inclinometer (0-360 degree). .. _MTM2:Telemetry:zenithAngle:inclinometerProcessed: inclinometerProcessed ********************* :IDL_Type: double :Units: degree **Description**: Processed angle of inclinometer (0-360 degree).