:tocdepth: 3 ##### MTVMS ##### .. note:: This page is generated by the following python script ``generate_cet.py``. :ref:`Back to table ` Commands -------- .. _MTVMS:Commands:shutdown: shutdown ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_command_shutdown .. _MTVMS:Commands:shutdown:shutdown: shutdown ******** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Ignored abort ~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_abort .. _MTVMS:abort:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used disable ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Enabled to Disabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_disable .. _MTVMS:disable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enable ~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Disabled to Enabled. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enable .. _MTVMS:enable:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used enterControl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline to Standby. Only "externally commandable" CSCs support this command; other CSCs start in Standby state and quit when they go to Offline. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_enterControl .. _MTVMS:enterControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used exitControl ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Offline. For CSCs that are not "externally commandable" this makes the CSC quit. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_exitControl .. _MTVMS:exitControl:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used setAuthList ~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setAuthList .. _MTVMS:setAuthList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form user@host. If the first character is +/- then the specified users are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. The CSC's own user@host is silently ignored, because it is always authorized. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. .. _MTVMS:setAuthList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC, in the form name[:index]. An index of 0 is stripped (name:0 becomes name). If the first character is +/- then the specified CSCs are added/removed. Duplicates are silently ignored. For removal, CSCs that are not in the list are silently ignored. Whitespace is allowed after the optional initial +/- and after each comma. setLogLevel ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Set the logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setLogLevel .. _MTVMS:setLogLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Logging level, as a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. setValue ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_setValue .. _MTVMS:setValue:parametersAndValues: parametersAndValues ******************* :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: List of parameters and their values as a Json string standby ~~~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Offline, Disabled or Fault to Standby. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_standby .. _MTVMS:standby:value: value ***** :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Not used start ~~~~~ **Description**: Transition from state Standby to Disable, in a specified configuration. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_command_start .. _MTVMS:start:settingsToApply: settingsToApply *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: Name of the selected settings set Events ------ .. _MTVMS:Events:acquisitionRate: acquisitionRate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_logevent_acquisitionRate .. _MTVMS:Events:acquisitionRate:timestamp: timestamp ********* :IDL_Type: double :Units: unitless **Description**: Timestamp for when topic was generated. .. _MTVMS:Events:acquisitionRate:rateInHz: rateInHz ******** :IDL_Type: double :Units: Hz **Description**: Rate of acquisition. appliedSettingsMatchStart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_appliedSettingsMatchStart .. _MTVMS:appliedSettingsMatchStart:appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue: appliedSettingsMatchStartIsTrue ******************************* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: True when the configuration matches the start conditions authList ~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_authList .. _MTVMS:authList:authorizedUsers: authorizedUsers *************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of authorized users currently allowed to command this CSC. .. _MTVMS:authList:nonAuthorizedCSCs: nonAuthorizedCSCs ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Comma seperated list of CSC's not currently allowed to command this CSC. errorCode ~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Output when a CSC goes into the Fault state as an explanation of the problem. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_errorCode .. _MTVMS:errorCode:errorCode: errorCode ********* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: A numeric error code .. _MTVMS:errorCode:errorReport: errorReport *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An string providing detailed information about the error .. _MTVMS:errorCode:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: An optional stack trace of the error condition heartbeat ~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_heartbeat .. _MTVMS:heartbeat:heartbeat: heartbeat ********* :IDL_Type: boolean :Units: unitless **Description**: Beats the drum. logLevel ~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current logging level. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logLevel .. _MTVMS:logLevel:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current logging level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. logMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: A log message. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_logMessage .. _MTVMS:logMessage:name: name **** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log name. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:level: level ***** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Message level, a Python logging level: error=40, warning=30, info=20, debug=10. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:message: message ******* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Log message. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:traceback: traceback ********* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Exception traceback; "" if not an exception. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:filePath: filePath ******** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Path to source file. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:functionName: functionName ************ :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: Function or method name. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:lineNumber: lineNumber ********** :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Line number in the file specified by filePath. .. _MTVMS:logMessage:process: process ******* :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: Process ID. settingVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Information about settings which can be specified in the start command. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingVersions .. _MTVMS:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsVersion: recommendedSettingsVersion ************************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated recomended versions of settings sets .. _MTVMS:settingVersions:recommendedSettingsLabels: recommendedSettingsLabels ************************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: List of comma seperated names of settings sets .. _MTVMS:settingVersions:settingsUrl: settingsUrl *********** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: The URL where the settings sets definitions can be found settingsApplied ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Base settings applied. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_settingsApplied .. _MTVMS:settingsApplied:settingsVersion: settingsVersion *************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 256 :Units: unitless **Description**: The SHA or name corresponding to the published configuration .. _MTVMS:settingsApplied:otherSettingsEvents: otherSettingsEvents ******************* :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of other specific CSC configuration events. This may be blank if no other CSC specific events are necessary simulationMode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current simulation mode. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_simulationMode .. _MTVMS:simulationMode:mode: mode **** :IDL_Type: int :Units: unitless **Description**: Current simulation mode; 0 for normal operation (no simulation); other supported values are specific to each CSC. softwareVersions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current versions of software in use by CSC. :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_softwareVersions .. _MTVMS:softwareVersions:salVersion: salVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of SAL generation .. _MTVMS:softwareVersions:xmlVersion: xmlVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of CSC XML .. _MTVMS:softwareVersions:openSpliceVersion: openSpliceVersion ***************** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the current version of OpenSplice .. _MTVMS:softwareVersions:cscVersion: cscVersion ********** :IDL_Type: string :IDL_Size: 16 :Units: unitless **Description**: This is the top-level version of the CSC .. _MTVMS:softwareVersions:subsystemVersions: subsystemVersions ***************** :IDL_Type: string :Units: unitless **Description**: A comma delimited list of key=value pairs relating subsystem name (key) to its version number (value). This may be left blank if there are no subsystems within a CSC summaryState ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Description**: Current summary state of the CSC :EFDB_Topic: SALGeneric_logevent_summaryState .. _MTVMS:summaryState:summaryState: summaryState ************ :IDL_Type: long :Units: unitless **Description**: High level state machine state identifier Telemetry --------- .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:cameraRotator: cameraRotator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_cameraRotator .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:cameraRotator:timestamp: timestamp ********* :IDL_Type: double :Units: second **Description**: Current computer timestamp .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3: m1m3 ~~~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_m1m3 .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:timestamp: timestamp ********* :IDL_Type: double :Units: second **Description**: Timestamp when data was measured. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor1XAcceleration: sensor1XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 1 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor1YAcceleration: sensor1YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 1 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor1ZAcceleration: sensor1ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 1 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor2XAcceleration: sensor2XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 2 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor2YAcceleration: sensor2YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 2 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor2ZAcceleration: sensor2ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 2 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor3XAcceleration: sensor3XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 3 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor3YAcceleration: sensor3YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 3 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor3ZAcceleration: sensor3ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 3 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor4XAcceleration: sensor4XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 4 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor4YAcceleration: sensor4YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 4 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor4ZAcceleration: sensor4ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 4 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor5XAcceleration: sensor5XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 5 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor5YAcceleration: sensor5YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 5 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor5ZAcceleration: sensor5ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 5 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor6XAcceleration: sensor6XAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 6 in x direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor6YAcceleration: sensor6YAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 6 in y direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m1m3:sensor6ZAcceleration: sensor6ZAcceleration ******************** :IDL_Type: double :Units: m/s2 :Count: 50 **Description**: Acceleration from sensor 6 in z direction. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m2: m2 ~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_m2 .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:m2:timestamp: timestamp ********* :IDL_Type: double :Units: second **Description**: Current computer timestamp. .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:tma: tma ~~~ :EFDB_Topic: MTVMS_tma .. _MTVMS:Telemetry:tma:timestamp: timestamp ********* :IDL_Type: double :Units: second **Description**: Current computer timestamp.