SALEventSet Attributes

Below are the descriptions and content recommendations for SALEventSet.xml attributes.


Data Type: eventSetType

This is a complex type for an abritrary set of SALEvent definitions


Data Type: eventType

This the complex type for the definition of a partcular event. It consists of a set of metatdata fields , plus an optional set of data item definitions.


Data Type: eventItemType

This is an optional element which may be used an arbitrary number of times to add data items to a event definition.


Data Type: string

This is the Engineering and Facility Database (EFD) column name used to store the historical record for this item. It is also used for the on-the-wire DDS topic field, and the item name in the SAL language specific API’s.


Data Type: string

This is a brief description of the purpose of the event.


Data Type: string

This is the Interface Definition Language (IDL) data type of the data item.


Data Type: integer

For IDL string types this is used to specify the length in characters (UTF-8 ie bytes). A special case is IDL_Size=1, which is interpreted as variable/unlimited length string


Data Type: string

This is used to specify the units (as supported by the astropy unit library), or unitless if it is not applicable.


Data Type: integer

This is used to specify the length of numerical array data types. Arrays of string type are NOT supported.


Data Type: complexType

This is a complex type for an SALEvent definition with an optional set of data items.


Data Type: string

This is used to specify which subsystem the event is associated with.


Data Type: string

This is the Engineering and Facility Database (EFD) table name used to store the historical record for this event. It is also used for the on-the-wire DDS topic name and type, and the structure name in the SAL language specific API’s.


Data Type: comma-delimited list of names, key, value pairs or a string

This is a list of either items which will be assigned enumerated values ie, 1,2,3…


a list of item=value definitions, in which case the specified values will be assigned to each named item.

An Enumeration may be specific (internal) to a data field definition <item>, or if it appears outside of the <EventSet>, it applies globally.